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Information Products
Let’s start this, first things first. Let’s define a digital product. Then we’ll define information or info products.
A digital product is any product that can live on your hard drive. You can’t touch it, because it only lives in your computer or electronic devices like a tablet or a phone.
An information product, or info product, is a product that provides information in any of several formats. It could be a training video, an ebook, or a membership site that provides education. Books, newspapers, and magazines are, of course, also information products, but we are going to talk about digital info products. So the only books we’ll be talking about are ebooks.
An ebook usually provides educational material which makes it informational. Since you can’t hold it, unless you print it, it’s digital because it exists on a hard drive. And a printout is just a hard copy of the digital product.
Information products have been around forever. But now that information products can be digital, it’s a whole new game. In fact, producing and selling digital products is one of the most popular and effective business models on the internet today.
What makes it so effective? Well, for one thing, digital products, when successfully marketed and sold can bring a return on investment that is higher than any other form of product or business model.
Now, understand that a digital product gets its value from the information it contains and how desirable that information is. How desirable that information is, determines how much you can charge for the product that contains that information. Plus, a digital product in many cases costs almost nothing to create. It often takes a lot of time to create a product, but costs are usually minimal unless you start outsourcing. Even those costs can be very reasonable.
Once you have created or outsourced your product, you can sell essentially limitless copies with almost no additional cost. You’re not charged extra for having it on your web server, it doesn’t cost anything to create another copy every time someone purchases and downloads it, and there are no costs for any physical supplies or materials.
So let’s say you outsource the copywriting for your product. Then you outsource the creation of a video, you take the soundtrack from that video and have someone create .mp3 audio files. Of course, you outsource the graphics for the product. All that can really add up. But once you sell enough copies of your product to make back your outsourcing costs, every copy you sell after that will be almost 100% profit.
On the other hand, you can create a text report on your computer for just the cost of your time. If that report provides valuable information you can sell it for a handsome profit over and over and over.
Making Money With Info Products
OK, so digital products are great. Check. Information products are great. Check. Digital info products are really great. Got that. But how does that translate to a lucrative business model for you? By publishing educational or entertaining information on your blog in what is typically called an affiliate site.
Affiliate websites generally promote multiple digital information products. A typical way to get people to see the affiliate products you are promoting is by publishing content that gets listed in the search engines. People interested in that type of information will be drawn to the website. The more content you add to your blog, the more traffic you could get from search engines and social media. And if people are visiting, they are likely to share your material on their social media accounts which leads to more traffic.
Back to the business part of all this. The information you will be posting will be educational or entertaining. When visiting your blog, they will be exposed to promotions for paid products. The more closely aligned your site is to your visitor’s interest, the more likely it is that they will come back and purchase more products from you. As long as their past purchases, as well as their present ones, have led to satisfaction, they will continue to buy from you.
While the content of your blog posts will eventually bring visitors to your site, your blog will be fulfilling its other objective, gathering visitor’s email addresses and adding them to your email list. Then you can market to those people again and again.
As you add more content to your blog, returning visitors start to get comfortable with you which builds trust. When people trust you, they will want more content from you. They will be more likely to purchase the products you recommend. By staying focused on the niche you are in and continuing to add more posts, you increase the chance that people will come back and likely purchase multiple products from you over time. By promoting a number of products that focus on that niche, you increase the chance that a purchase will be made. Someone might buy an ebook this week, but next week they might buy a video training course you are promoting.
In other words, when you get a chance to over-deliver to someone, whether they are a new subscriber or a customer who purchased a product, you need to do your best to wow them with your bonuses, your content, and your support. When they see that you provide a customer more value than just the product, they will start thinking of you when they consider making purchases. Once they see that you provide excellent value, even for your low-priced items, they’ll want to buy your products.
Or to put it another way, if you provide high quality, high-value content, and offer value above and beyond the product itself, you become a trusted source. You have then become an information marketer and you are likely to make multiple sales of info products and other types of products to your customers.
When a person purchases from a website multiple times, it usually indicates a growing sense of trust. But just one bad experience can be enough to end the relationship and bring purchases by that person to an end. Never betray your customer’s trust! I hope this has been informative and helpful.
I hope this has been informative and helpful.
‘Til next time,
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